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End of year panic!

At this time of the year, there is always a stream of emails and phone calls from desperate and confused parents, trying to make sense of the muddy area that surrounds our solutions to support struggling readers.

Following the tests and assessments that grind down self-esteem, this is the time of year when failure and struggle raise their ugly heads again, to stare into the face of the child and parent who already know there is a problem!

They have already been sent from pillar to post and every specialist under the sun has assessed them, to find out why their child is failing in the school system. Once they find out the reason why, their next challenge is to find out what works and why.

If only there was a clear cut pathway to a simple solution… but hold on, there already is! There is conclusive evidence to show that multisensory structured language teaching is the best way to teach EVERYONE to read.

The problem is that most of our teachers, teacher aides, education departments and principals don’t actually know what this is and why it works. This is primarily because it is not part of the teacher training for education in schools, however the Australian Inquiry into the teaching of literacy in 2005, clearly outlined the need this very specific approach.

The information is clear and readily available if we look at research and evidence from the rest of the world.

This research and evidence leads to a vital piece of information which is often overlooked; individual instruction is essential for those who are struggling, group work just doesn’t have the same impact.

So, don’t waste your time and money on “quick fixes”, like group sessions or tutoring for homework and other cheaper options. These are ineffective for learners that have missed key literacy skills and will only confuse them further, or repeat ineffective instruction that reinforces failure the learner.

The guidelines are very clear; An appropriate intervention program should be delivered one-on-one, with a very structured, cumulative, explicit, multisensory, evidence-based methodology, and be phonic-based. The coach must be trained in these methods.

This what effective reading instruction is!

Our Learnersaurus Coaches are trained in these methods and work one-on-one with learners to build these essential literacy skills. Get in touch today to get your learner up to speed before embarking on the next year at school.