


Our trained Learnersaurus Coaches take learners step-by-step through the full Learnersaurus Literacy Program, either in person or via remote call.

Working one-on-one with a trained Learnersaurus Coach will provide the best support for you and your child. This will ensure ongoing success and the appropriate intensive therapy for literacy learning.

Having been tried and tested for over ten years, both with individual students and in schools, the Learnersaurus Literacy Program has built a strong reputation for success in literacy learning, for all learners, age 7+.

What can a Learnersaurus Coach do for my learner?

A Learnersaurus Coach will work with you and your child through the structured, explicit and multisensory program, which is easy to follow. The methodologies are based on the evidence based practises of Orton and Gillingham, MSL principles and the literacy programs from the UK DILP.

You will love the repetitive routine, and seeing your learner’s success in reading, writing and spelling, with the coach’s guidance!


How do I know which coach to choose?

Find a coach close to you so it’s easy to get to before/after/during school hours. Alternatively, some of our coaches can do sessions remotely via video call (Skype, Facetime, Zoom, etc).

Learnersaurus coaches must complete our coaching course to deliver the unique Learnersaurus programs at home, in schools or in their own business. Only coaches that appear below are trained and licensed to use the Learnersaurus programs.


Find a Coach

Click on your state to find your nearest Learnersaurus coach:

Deb's Tutoring
Ferny Hills
💻Online Lessons Available!
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Reading, Writing, Results
Wynnum and Manly
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Speld QLD
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Acorn Seed Learning
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Giant Oak Learning
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Growing Through Learning
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The Literacy Coach
💻Online Lessons Available!
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Kerryn Window
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