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Facts about Dyslexia

Where did dyslexia originate from?

Research around dyslexia and reading difficulties dates back to the 1830's when the focus was on how language is acquired. In our evolution as a species, the process of reading is a relatively new thing. If you consider how long it is since there has the assumption that everyone can read, we will see that this is a very short period of time. It is reading that has highlighted the difference in the brain for some people. This brain was here long before reading existed. Maryanne Wolf has written some excellent material about this research.

What is the definition of dyslexia?

The definition I find most clear and easy to use is that “dyslexia is a neurological condition, genetic in its origin”, according to the International Dyslexia Association.

Where is dyslexia more common in the world?

Dyslexia is a human condition and found in all cultures. English, however, is a particularly difficult language for dyslexic learners, as it has 44 sounds and 26 letters, so it does not have a direct letter to sound correlation for all words.

Where do I go to get a dyslexia diagnosis?

In Australia, dyslexia can only be diagnosed formally by a psychologist or developmental paediatrician who specialises in this.

At what age can dyslexia can be diagnosed?

There are many "red flags" for dyslexia that can be identified from age 5, however, Dyslexia is clearly identified from age 7 through a formal assessment. Until age 7, there are certain processes that developmentally would not be expected and could mask the dyslexic traits. Working memory would be one of these.

What does dyslexia look like?

Dyslexia is thought of as a continuum and has not clear cut off points, however there are certain traits that would lead us to noticing the dyslexic profile.

Key markers would be:

  • Difficulties with reading writing and spelling (some of these aren't always prominent)

  • Unexpected difference in levels of achievement in some areas

  • Organisational difficulties

  • Difficulty remembering instructions or number facts.

Learn more here about signs of dyslexia.

Which font is best for dyslexia?

There really is no specific font that is best for dyslexic learners, as each learner will have their own preference of what works best for them.

Important things to keep in mind are:

  • A clear, defined font with no fancy tails

  • Space between each letter

  • Double spacing between lines of text

To learn more about dyslexia, complete our Introduction to Dyslexia online course. It takes only 4 hours online, for $99.